Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Perks of Going Alone.
LeBurn Maddox is a blues/soul artist from the USA currently living in the UK and touring Europe. He made a stop in Kosice the other night and we hit it off. He was such an amazing down to earth guy and absolute blast to talk to. During their mid set break I went over to talk to him. He immediately welcomed me especially once he found out we were from the same country. After finding out I was a student he offered to buy me a drink and take a 3rd off the price of his cd for me. He also let me sit with his manager off to the side of the stage for the second part of the show because they were better seats than what I had. It was a pleasure talking to someone who knows so much about music and enjoys the same type of music. Blues/Soul Music is hard to find in Slovakia. I would recommend anyone to go and see him if possible. The combination of his personality and music was superb.
 Here is the Cd he signed for me and the poster as well, the poster reads Aaron! Dude! Great to meet you Peace and Love LeBurn. (And yes the Café is named Smelly Cat, and yes they do intend for it to be a FREINDS show reference.

His manager yelled at him after doing this by saying those are my drums not yours!
 Do not ask me why the guitar is transparent and so are his jeans in this picture, also there is no editing of this picture this it what I took and its what showed up.

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