Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Well this is probably a little over due by most standards. My bad. So here is an update of what I have been doing recently. In no particular order.

Andy Warhol Museum, my host family took me there, it is the 2nd largest collection of original Andy Warhol art in the world, His family was from the town which I cant remember the name, probably let alone spell correctly. Art is in the eye of the beholder, I didn't understand his art it was a little out there. but I liked the statue of him quite a lot.

 Scorpions Live in Kosice, They really kicked some butt even though they aren't as young as they used to be. They always kept the show going, non stop, Kottak (pictured below) was just flat out insane, not quite to the level of Tommy Lee from Motley Crue insane, but he was up there, literally 60 feet in the air standing on his drums at one point in time. And I mean standing on his two base drums 60 feet in the air no harness. It was a great show though.

Also If you like any of these pictures, you will notice there is a water mark in the corner of them, that is my photography page on Facebook, please go give it a like and let me know what you think.

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