Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Ok Its one month here in Slovakia and today was an eventful day mentally not physically I didn't do anything today. Today I figured out why my host mom pisses me off every time she speaks to me. First of her facial expressions towards me are rude and demeaning, like I'm a ten year old. Secondly she uses the word must in every sentence, you must pay the check, you must know math, you must ask if you have question in class, you must know Slovak, you must have the email, you must have plan after school no?, you must you must you MUST! If you truly know me well enough most of you know I have problem with excessive command placed upon oneself. No I don't have to know math, no I don't have to have a plan, no I don't have to be hungry. I DONT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING I DONT WANT TO IM GONNA LIVE MY LIFE LIKE I WANT TO. Might there be consequences for somethings I don't do or things I will do, yes but I know that there are consequences and am fully prepared to accept them for what they may be. I know what I truly must do and I know what's truly an option. "It's my life it's now or never I ain't gonna live forever I just want to live while I'm alive it's my life my hearts like an open highway like Frankie said "I did it my way""--- Bon Jovi. Also today is a memorable day because the Cubs are three wins away from clinching a wild card spot! And in worse new, Yogi Berra dies today at the age of 90. "It's not over, until its over"--Yogi Berra. Well Yogi, sadly it is over.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Ok I can't believe I just found the record of my dreams in mint condition at what I consider a reasonable price. For those of you that don't know the importance of this let me inform you a little bit. This was guns n roses first album and first cover, most of you in the United States though know the other cover where it's the four members skull characters on a cross, this is because when this cover first came out, women's rights activists said it portrayed rape and humility torwards women, and had it banned in the United States, there fore only a couple hundred got out into the public in America because gnr was that big yet, they were just starting. I've always wanted an original because in my opinion it is a cool price of history and of cours great music. So there is you education lesson on gnr for to day. Oh and there's an interesting story behind the song rocket queen of any one wants to look it up, because well it's a little inappropriate to post here.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Nice way to end the day by launching a Chinese lantern with some hopes and dreams floating away hopefully to be achieved some day. Mine was the last one to be extinguished and you can barley see it in the first photo in the center, it's faint, the. The next twoine is on the far left of both pictures, in a way it was peaceful and relaxing to watch this float away

Ok I just got bitched at for holding a fork in the wrong hand because it's considerd rude to hold it with your right hand!!! Like WTF! I'm right handed why in the world would I hold it in my left hand if I'm right handed! Ik the fork is set on the left of the plate but that should t mean it is illegal to hold it with your right hand, I can't tell you that is not going to change and I'm sorry f that pisses them off but it is unatural for me in the left hand, it's staying in my right hand.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Drag week
Ok HotRod magazine is hosting drag week this week and of course I'm following it, the fastest street legal cars are all in one spot, who wouldn't follow. This car though has to be one of my favorites for this event. It's a 1973 AMC Javelin, all steel body, drove by Bryant Goldstone. It put up the first six second quarter mile pass this week at drag week and is one bad car, not to be messed with.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Ok I Just got back from Strecno for the inbound orientation meeting. I had fun but it was a lot of presentations in a short amount of time. I met a ton of awesome people and loved the scenery. We went to Hrad Strecno which is Slovak for Strecno Castle, but weren't allowed in the castle only the court yard because our group was over the 50 person limit, what a bummer. Oh ya language, ha that brings up a good point. I completely BOMBED that Slovak test at the meeting. I'm trying to learn but I don't memorize stuff well nor do I take tests very well, but the language tests determine who goes to ski week and euro tour, so hopefully I will be all good for the next two, fingers crossed. Over all I am enjoying my start to exchange, hard to believe it has already been three weeks. today was probably the hardest for me so far, some things were said that brought emotion to my life today. But as the great band once stated. "If you wanna live life on your own terms, you gotta be willing to crash and burn" -- Motley Crue -- Well I definitely crashed today and it burned, but that sure isn't going to stop me from living my own life, time to get back up shake off the dust and move on.
For now, Peace, Love
For now, Peace, Love
Thursday, September 10, 2015
I am posting this now because I will not have time tomorrow to do so. Yesterday my host mom asked if I was sad because I looked like I was sad, I said no, which at the time I wasn't. Looking back at yesterday and today I realized I was a little sad and had a lot on my mind. Because it occurred to me that tomorrow at 8:45 am or 2:45pm my time that it will mark the 14th anniversary of 9/11. It makes me sad because it was a tragic day in our history and our lives would never be the same, but what really makes me sad it that My age group (18) is the last ones that actually remember that day. I first noticed this last year at Heritage when they held the moment of silence for 9/11, the freshmen and sophomores continued chatting like nothing was going on. They didn't remember that day so it wasn't important to them even though some of them knew what happened. the Junior class knew what went on and some were silent and some chatted. but it was only the senior class that I noticed was completely silent except for a select few. We remembered that day and what it was like. That is when I knew we were the last youngest ones that truly feel the pain from that day. It then occurred to me here that, do they know what tomorrow is or is it just another day for them. so I asked some of my class mates and they had "learned ABOUT it" but they had no emotional attachment to the day whatsoever unlike we do. Rotary's motto is peace through understanding, but I don't think I will ever understand why, nor will the scar left ever fully heal. I would just like to say that I truly admire and applaud all the men and women that helped in any way they could even if by sacrificing their own life's to save another's, on that dreadful day. And to leave two quotes here I think these are fitting one from Cynthia Ozick. "What we remember from childhood we remember forever — permanent ghosts, stamped, inked, imprinted, eternally seen." And here is the other one, “Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children. ”
– President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001
– President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001
Friday, September 4, 2015
Class mates!
School wasn't too good. didn't understand a thing, don't know what classes I'm taking and there is a teacher that has crazy eyes, I thought that was just a joke from how I met your mother but no its real. Students were nice though. Got invited to coffee afterwards everyone was really nice although you can tell when they talk about you in slovak it's especially odd when the only English part of their conversation about you is "parents wouldn't like" um excuse me lol had fun though. And am looking forward to tomorrow. And a quote here that reflects how I look at my life right now. "Some men see things as they are, and say why, I dream of things that never were, and say why not." Bobby Kennedy
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Felt a little homesick today but I'm telling you what today I found the same shampoo I use at home and deodorant that was close enough and man do I feel like I'm at home now that I smell the way I want. No more home sickness. As I'm writing this it occurs to that this sounds really strange. But oh well what's new everything is strange except my shampoo and deoderant lol.
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