Friday, November 6, 2015

I have come to the realization that as Americans, we tend to become independent at a very early age. In my case I started to become independent around 15 when I started my first job. At 15.5 even more independent with a drivers license. By the age of 18 I feel like I was very independent for my age, buy my own clothes, gas, food at times, and held a steady job. But being an exchange student at least from the USA, I feel like I have become 12 again even though I am 18. I cant go anywhere without help from someone, whether that is a ride somewhere, or explanation of how to get there or so on. Nor can I call my friends and say hey meet me in the bowling alley in 30, or my house in 40 for a bonfire. You cant do it here, first off students don't work here, and if by some miracle they do, its only for like one or two days a week, and their pay is virtually 0. Second they cant drive until they are 18, so they rely on busses and parents. For me being dependent is unnatural and physically discomforting. Also you have to watch your back with whatever you do because rotary over here has so many minuet rules, that one misunderstanding can screw the pooch on a lot of things. I feel like I am dependent and have wiped away half of my life and started over again at 12 even though I really haven't. It truly sucks in a way.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Understandably frustrating… Not only have you encountered an almost required dependency… That dependency inherently creates a vulnerability caused by the actions or inactions of others (competent or not). :/
